Friday 24 May 2013

Animation - Sequence 3

 In sequence 3 I animated the first shot of the crows meeting up and placing their hearts in Poe's (the round crow) jar. This was a brilliant opportunity to try and get across some of their personalities whilst beside one another.
Eric flies in, and lands, hopping over to the jar - not entirely sure where he needs to be - as Poe watches. Eric is my favourite to animate, I'll admit, thanks to his body shape having some excellent squash and stretch, and the tail that flickers and twitches as he moves.
I animated the flight by first tracking the body, head and tail, with no wings - in order to get a smooth descent and keep the volumes in check. It was a simple technique that I believed helped me a great deal in understanding the flight animation. Below is a quick test that demonstrates how I did this. The orange overlay is a shot guide, as this shot also pans down later on.

I repeated this technique with Allen, the harsher crow, and made sure his flight was more sharp and precise - he pauses for the others to move so he can alight. He is proud and a little bit egotistical, and I think I got this across fairly well in his posture and his actions.

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