Wednesday 20 March 2013

Animation - Sequence 2

This particular sequence gave me the most trouble, considering it only consisted of crows and a walk cycle.
I began by animating the child and her mother, who would be edited over a moving background later on. The child's walk was easy enough - I emphasised her down and up in order to create a bouncing, childlike toddle, but her Mother was trickier. High heels convolute a regular walk cycle and the ups and downs of the cycle are no longer clear. To try and counter this, I put on a pair of my own and turned my long mirror on its side, so I could see the way my feet and knees in particular would move. I noticed there was no real 'down' when in heels - you do not generally bend at the knee. Animating this was still a challenge, and I did several passes before I was satisfied with the outcome.

This is the first pass, incomplete. The walk was lacking, so when I refined it I added more frames to pad it out, and make it easier for the eye to follow.
This is the polished pass, which will be on a transparent background so it can be layered in After Effects.

The crows in this scene are fairly passive. This time, it is the elegant, businesslike crow (named Allen) who takes the heart. His flight is much sharper and harder than Eric's, and even his tail flicks are more controlled. 

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