Thursday 18 October 2012

Storyboards: Sequence 5

 Edgar carries his jars up to the roof, one of the crows watches curiously. Long shot. Colour set has changed to warm oranges and purples, to show the shift of hope.

 He puts the jars down.

 Reaches to grab something hidden in the roof, crow looks puzzled.

One swift movement, he throws up a long ladder which shoots up offscreen into the sky.

He takes the jars and hooks them over his arm.

 He begins to climb.

 Climbs up offscreen.

 Mid shot, he climbs on screen...

 ...and on...

 ...aaand off again!

 Further out, longer shot. He climbs...

 and climbs...

 ...and climbs!

 He finally climbs on screen and reaches his destination, happy with himself.

 He plops the jars upon an invisible ledge on the white mass.

 He reaches up offscreen...

 ...and pulls down a long, pale blue wire, with orange wiring visible.

 Cuts to a close up of the jar of hearts.

 To show his hand reaching in to grab one of the heart 'bulbs.'

 He pulls the bulb out.

Cuts back to him fiddling out of sight with the wire and the heart...

 ...which he has fused together and proudly presents against the white backdrop.

 Gently he lets it go, the bulb swinging a little.

 Slow zoom out, the bulb flickers and buzzes into life, shining brightly.

 Continue to zoom, we see more and more heart lamps strung up in the sky. The white mass is the moon. 

 More and more heart lamps appear as we zoom out. The souls of the people have become the stars in the night sky.

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