Friday 12 October 2012

Storyboard: Sequence 2

Shot 1: Establishing shot of the street, focused on the crows. No traffic, evening, serene.

Slow pan down (with slight angle change) to reveal a mother and child walking along the empty street.

Shot 2: Eyeline shot of the child to establish a relationship with her, indicating she is the focus of this scene. Walking along, trailing behind her mother. 

She drops the ball, and stops, her mother moving in an opposite direction to the ball as it rolls offscreen.

The child lets go of the hand, breaking away to run after the ball and off screen. Mother turns a little and her hand doesn't grab her in time.

Shot 3: White ball has rolled and come to a standstill in the street, as the child runs towards it. Environment will be greyscale, the ball and the lines of the road in white. Wider shot to show how tiny she looks in comparison to the street. (Mothers POV?)

Girl stops, facing forward and bends to pick up her ball again, clearly not looking ahead.

Car headlights are seen, screech of brakes heard as the child looks up sharply. Rapid cut.

Shot 4: The horn and the thud makes the the birds fly off rapidly, one staying behind and keeping an ominous eye on the scene below.

Third crow flaps and slowly descends offscreen to the street.

Scene fades out on the empty lamppost. End of sequence.

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