Wednesday 20 February 2013

Jumper Design

 After struggling with the design for the Jumper (as he was named) we finally settled on one of my designs and I roughed out a reference sheet for animation. Since he would be static for most of his shots, it was important for him to have an interesting and yet simple silhouette.

He has a distinctive profile, as he would be mostly shown from such an angle, and I chose to keep him in a long scarf, giving moment to his dejected form. His slouch is one of a defeated man, which is what we wanted to get across in the animation as well as the design.

On the far left is the original sketch - I blocked in with a thick, square brush to get a sense of shape language as well as a readable silhouette. Then I sketched in some of his more detailed features in the centre image, before blacking it all for the final design. It should be noted that I realised the feet were not particularly inkeeping with his overall design - so in the film he retails long, thin, triangular feet like dress shoes - fitting with his sharp angled head and 'businessman' storyline.