Friday 28 September 2012

'Nevermore' Initial Mood Board

As the both of us working on this film have a deep interest in both mythology and the occult, we worked out a loose concept based on the common belief that crows and ravens carried the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Inspired by the songs 'Jar of Hearts' by Christina Perri and 'Cars and Trains' by George Michael, we began to assemble a mood board.

My particular input was my love of poetry and old literature, especially the infamous poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. I also love the imagery of the heart in the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White. I have included images of the Morrigan, an irish/celtic goddess of war, who was believed to appear as a crow at battles and feed on the flesh of the dead. Morbid, perhaps, but interesting! The colour set in Perri's video for 'Jar of Hearts' is also included here, as the grey-blues and smoke screen effects will work well with our proposed story. 
Poe also gave us our working title - Nevermore!

My partners blog is here: